What is Kutoku's Autolinker and Should I use it?

Kutoku's autolinker is a Kutoku feature that automatically monetizes all links to Kutoku merchants on every page of your website.

Note: You must own your website to run the autolinker. It is not compatible with social media platforms like YouTube or Instagram. These platforms require that you use manual linking.

How does it work?

You install a tiny Javascript code snippet on each page of your website. See our installation guide in your Kutoku dashboard for more details.

What are the advantages?

There are many, and we encourage you to consider carefully whether it is right for you. There are significant benefits to your editorial team's time and company's revenue.

Automatically monetizing all your existing content

The autolinker checks (with a few exceptions for common websites) every link on your site to see if it is a Kutoku merchant. This means that every link that can generate revenue does so.

Automatically monetizing new Kutoku merchants as they join

Kutoku adds new merchants almost daily. If you wish to take advantage of these new revenue opportunities via manual linking, you must trawl back through all your existing content and update the links. The autolinker does this for you.

Further, when manually adding links to content, it is very easy to miss adding a link. You need to run every link through the manual linker to see if it can be monetized (it is on our roadmap to make this easier via a browser extension).

Improved Reporting and Performance Discovery

The autolinker monetizes content that you didn't know you had and provides detailed performance reporting. This helps you surface articles that are performing well and double-down on what works.

Are there any disadvantages?

Many of our publishers are rightly concerned with the performance of their websites. A slow loading site means a visitor may bounce before they even see any content, or be penalized by search engines.

Kutoku takes performance extremely seriously and our autolinker is designed from the ground up to be as fast and efficient as possible. As a result the performance impact is negligible.

Read more about how Kutoku addresses autolinker performance

Can I use it with Skimlinks /Viglink?

Yes. Our autolinker is designed to be compatible with these other linking systems.